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* The ingredients in the recipes for Members are coded for food intolerance categories, i.e. potato, sugar, etc.

* Refer to the Food Substitutions List and Food Categories for alternative ingredients and The Food Resource List for hidden ingredients (all available to MEMBERS).

* Plus, MEMBERS have access to many suggestions for helping to adapt recipes for personal needs.

* It is suggested to use Celtic salt in all recipes, as it is "neutral."



Stuffed Mushrooms
(Contributed by Sandra Strom, CEO of Song of Health)

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees

10 large mushrooms
½ cup bread crumbs
½ cup cheddar, parmesan or feta cheese, finely grated
½ cup leek, green onion or shallot
2 cloves garlic
2 Tbsp. butter, clarified
3 Tbsp. olive oil
½ tsp. ground dill or rosemary (each will give a distinctly different flavor)
1/3 cup half and half or vegetable stock

Wash and pat dry mushrooms. Remove stems.
To make bread crumbs: Use sourdough or wheat bread. Toast till dry but not brown. Break in pieces. In a food processor or Oscar Junior, finely grind bread pieces into crumbs. Place in a bowl. Add the cheese and mix well. Set aside.
In food processor grind mushroom stems, onion and garlic. In a saucepan, heat butter and clarify. Add 2 Tbsp. of the olive oil, then add mushroom stems, onion, garlic and herb. Sauté until soft. Add half and half or stock and bring to a quick boil, then remove from heat immediately. Let cool 5 minutes, then add to bread crumb mixture in bowl. Mix thoroughly.
Using 1 Tbsp. of the olive oil, grease a baking sheet. Turn the mushrooms around in the oil in the pan to coat, then place center side up. Generously fill centers with mixture.
Bake 20 minutes. Serve immediately.


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Get one on one advice for your Food Intolerances from Sandra Strom


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