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Dragonfly News

The Official Monthly Newsletter of Song of Health
MARCH, 2008

Feb 08 Newsletter
April 08 Newsletter

Welcome Subscribers, to Dragonfly News. We are excited about the opportunity to share interesting and helpful information with you in our monthly newsletter, which is available to subscribers only, on the website and automatically sent to you by email. We send it to you in both .doc and .pdf forms.

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In this issue:


Article: What Carroll Testing Tests For
By Dr. Jared Zeff, N.D.

Sharing Experiences
Our Bodies, The Machine

By Sandra Strom, CEO SOH




Subscribers’ cost is only $14.95, non-subscribers, $49.95 plus shipping. This CD is a valuable compilation of articles by our renowned doctors, whose work in their field is highly regarded among their colleagues, patients, and professionals in other circles. Along with all the other information offered, this collection is a great opportunity for students and others seeking reliable research resources in our field.

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Our goal is to serve you. Please help us by sharing what you would like to see in the Dragonfly News. We also invite you to share your favorite recipes with us.

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Just a reminder: Per your request, we are adding the column "TESTED FOR" to future Food Resource List updates. We agree that the resource will be more helpful knowing what the foods were actually tested for as well as the results. This way you will know if a food was tested for potato, for example, and the RESULTS column will verify whether potato is a hidden ingredient. Unfortunately, we are not able to go back to the original lists to retrieve this information. We are striving to improve on how we can help you and appreciate your participation in this process.

share your story with others.

Please help others by sharing your story with us and allow us to publish it in the next issue of Dragonfly News and Subscribers’ Testimonials, now on the Song of Health website. We have this opportunity to help those who still suffer but are not confident that our dietary lifestyle will work for them. By hearing and reading about how our lives were dramatically changed we can help them to step through the door toward wellness. WE WOULD BE HONORED TO INCLUDE YOUR STORY about how you came to follow the Dr. Carroll Food Intolerance way of life. We reserve the right to edit for grammar and spelling correctness, however we will not change your story content. Please email your contribution to Thank you for helping us to achieve our goal of reaching out to as many people as possible in order to offer them hope.

A note of encouragement: A subscriber was concerned that her story was uninteresting. There is no such thing as a boring, uninteresting story! We are here to support each other and every contribution helps, no matter how small or large the content. Please don't let that stop you!

REMINDER: Have you checked out THE FORUM yet? It is a great place to share your ideas, ask questions, obtain information from questions already asked and communicate with other subscribers.


example of Recent additions to the Forum:

Posted by Traci, 14th February, 2008
Is it possible to find a potato free gluten?

Gluten is not in potato, and potato is not in gluten. Gluten is in several grains: wheat, barley, rye, corn, and oats. Potato flour is often used as a substitute for gluten containing flours.
Dr. Zeff

I don't believe this is possible. All gluten that is added to wheat flour is a potato starch.

A good baking whole wheat flour will contain its own gluten and none will be needed in addition to make a nice raised loaf of bread. Wheat Montana flour has high natural gluten content and does well, with either their Prairie Gold (hard white wheat) or their Bronze Chief (hard red wheat). A pastry flour, as in a soft white wheat, doesn't have enough protein or gluten for good bread but is lighter and often used for finer pastries, bagels, English muffins or pie crusts.

Further response to Dr. Zeff's answer:
Flour naturally contains gluten...this is true. Potato starch is only carbohydrates and contains no gluten...however, the gluten protein they add to baking flour contains potato starch as a filler. I don't know of any baking gluten that is added to bread that is not potato.
Hope this helps.
Dr. Tish
Posted by Traci 27th February, 2008
Thank you for your answers, Doctors. It did help in the sense that I will not be wasting time and money searching for potato-free gluten that does not exist.

BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT! Posted by Traci 19th February, 2008
Can the resource list be printed? I thought I read somewhere that it could be but I don’t know how to do it if it is possible.


Please post your replies to our other subscribers at THE FORUM.
Thank you.



By Dr. Jared Zeff, N.D.

There seems to be a lot of confusion about just what it is that this Carroll testing tests for. How is it different from allergy testing? Does it have anything to do with blood groups? We have been answering a number of questions on this forum about these questions and some of the peculiarities of the testing and results, and I want to write a bit about that here.

What we call “Carroll Testing” was not called this by its developer, Dr. Otis G. Carroll. Dr. Carroll was one of the great naturopaths of the last century. He had a very large clinic and busy practice in Spokane, Washington, between 1908 and 1962. He was the teacher of my greatest teachers and the mentor of my mentors. Dr. Carroll developed this method of testing that we today call the Carroll Method. I would like to quote from his writings.

“Health must at all times come from and be maintained by digested foods. Naturopathic physicians understand this principle and use it to repair the damage done to organs, tissues and cells which have become depleted of the necessary constructive elements. These necessary elements can come only from digested foods. drug yet offered can rectify the damage done by failure of digestion.” (The Nature Doctors, Kirshfeld and Boyle, 1994, page 251)

What Dr. Carroll developed was a way to determine if a food or food combination was not inherently digestible by a particular body. If that were the case, not only was nutrition interfered with, but there was also the creation of toxic byproducts by the processes of the poor digestion. These toxins would enter the blood and become the basis for inflammatory irritation of organs or tissues, leading to disturbed function and the development of chronic disease. To heal chronic disturbance or disease one must identify and remove the cause, usually found at least in part in the diet. This is the value of Carroll’s test. It was one of the first and remains one of the most useful in determining the dietary basis of disease.

Although Carroll referred to it as an allergy test, it was not, at least not in the generally recognized meaning of the word “allergy”. An allergy is an immune system response against a food or food element in the digestive system or in the blood. What the Carroll method discerns is not an immune system reaction, but a primary inability of the digestive system to properly digest and metabolize a particular food or food group or combination of foods. This then leads to the development of inflammatory toxins as well as reduced nutrition.

The Carroll method has nothing to do with blood group or type. That method of discerning food sensitivities was developed by Peter D’Adamo and his father. It has nothing to do with digestion per se, but with immune system recognition of food lectins, which are similar to the different blood group immune identifiers on blood cells.

Historically, there are a number of ways food reactivity has been identified, all of it controversial. The standard method used in medical practice is skin scratch testing, in which small amounts of food concentrates are “scratched” into the skin, and an allergic reaction is watched for over the next few days. This will discern whether the skin immune system is reactive to a particular food, but will tell us nothing about digestion or digestibility. It is an allergy test.

So the Carroll method is a method of discerning whether a particular food will contribute to the health of the body or whether it will disturb digestion, create a toxic burden and contribute to the development of inflammation and disease.

This is why even a slight amount of the wrong food can cause a big problem. It literally poisons the digestive process so that nothing digests properly and all the problems follow. We see that in most cases of chronic disease there is also digestive disturbance. Really, this has preceded the disease process, reduced cellular nutrition and lowered vitality, and created a load of inflammatory toxins from which the disease process develops.

So the Carroll method is a means of discerning which foods or food combinations are disturbing the digestion and contributing a toxic load to the body. It is an old method, not practiced or recognized by standard medicine. It was almost lost during the 1970’s and 80’s when naturopathic medicine had reached its lowest point since its inception in 1896. It was kept alive by Dr. Harold Dick and Dr. Leo Scott after Dr. Carroll’s death in 1962. I studied with Dr. Dick in the early 1980’s and learned this method from him, as did his daughter, Dr. Letitia Watrous. We now teach this method within the naturopathic community internationally and it has returned as one of the recognized and viable methods of dietary evaluation within the reemerging naturopathic profession in the 21st century.
Jared L. Zeff, ND


By Sandra Strom, CEO

Our Bodies, The Machine

I have been computer challenged these past few weeks. My hard drive died before I took the time to save everything elsewhere. The programs I have been using are playing havoc getting them to download to the new drive. I have decided it is much easier to refrain from eating my food intolerances than it is to repair and maintain computers!

The reality is that our bodies are like machines. Some thirty years ago Dr. Dick, who was a mechanic before he became a renowned naturopath and forerunner in his field, explained to me that our bodies are like cars: If we keep the maintenance up on our cars - change the oil and do preventive maintenance regularly, oil and lube, pay attention to the sounds of the vehicle and take care of any "strange noises" immediately, then our vehicles will run smoothly for a long time. The engine will keep performing in a good way, as will the transmission, brakes and other running parts. (Admittedly, the doctor compared our bodies with automobiles before the coming of computerization, a dichotomy of great wonder and dilemma.) It is very inconvenient, not to mention expensive, having to park our trucks and a part of us in the shop of a hopefully competent mechanic for the purpose of replacing parts and hoping, against all odds, that our set of wheels will run as good as new again.

How do we maintain our bodies, as we would a car, in an attempt to avoid getting sick and possibly even losing body parts? We are all becoming savvy to the basics: Test ourselves and our families for food intolerances and avoid intake of them to the best of our ability. Refrain from eating processed foods. Strive to eat organically raised and all natural foods, fruits and vegetables that are local to our environment and in season and maintain the nutrition in our foods by eating raw and/or not over-cooking. The more heat applied to a food the more nutrition that is lost. Contact our doctor if an acute condition occurs or a chronic condition persists and not wait until we're burning up with fever, in a near coma or our appendix is ready to burst. In other words, paying attention to the "strange noises" before we find ourselves parked alongside our path, unable to function.

Remember to start your engines and exercise regularly. Some people are race cars, able to run 20 mile laps, but most of us take it at a slower pace. Know your body and honor what it is capable of and what the real limitations are. A person who has just experienced back surgery is obviously not going to be moving very fast. It is probably wise for a couch potato who finally decides to get moving to start out slow and build up to a brisk walk. Unreal limitations are the fantasies that tell us we can't. Find fun activities to do, with family and friends. Walking is an all around excellent way to get and stay in shape without putting a strain on the body, and it offers us a great time for partaking in meaningful - ok, silly too - conversations. The options are limitless.

The results of our efforts are the ultimate blessings of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. What could be better than waking to a new and wonderful day, feeling happy, healthy and able to do what we want? No matter how sick we have been when we begin to walk this way of life, there is the promise that much of what we ail from will be healed. Granted, some conditions are irreversible, but our attitudes aren't! I have witnessed more than one person who has what most of us would consider extreme disabilities, yet see themselves as blessed with more benefits than those of us walking on two legs with both eyes.

Willingness to do the work, openness to new ideas, reality checks - and let's have some fun about it all - these are the keys to maintaining our bodies.

May you walk In Health,


In The Forum it was recently requested that we share bread recipes that are potato-free.

Remember to use RED STAR ORIGINAL ACTIVE DRY YEAST. It is the only baking yeast we have found to be potato-free. It is grown from sugar.

Use organic ingredients whenever possible. Do not ever use bleached products


The following recipes are adapted from the book Electric Bread, a recipe book for bread machines. The recipes make one large loaf.

If baking in a bread making machine, add ingredients in order listed. Follow the directions for baking according to the machine instructions.

If baking in a conventional oven, more flour will most likely need to be added in order to make the dough stiff enough for shaping.

Mix water with yeast. Sift together dry ingredients. Mix in remaining ingredients. Turn out on floured bread board and knead 10 minutes or until dough ball is no longer sticky. Place in bowl and cover with towel. Set in warm, dry place and let rise until doubled in size. Punch dough down. Knead again. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Grease a flat baking pan. Shape loaves in braids, ovals or long and place on baking sheet. If desired, brush beaten egg white over tops and sprinkle with poppy seeds or sesame seeds. Bake for approximately 45 minutes, or until lightly brown on top and bread sounds hollow when bottom is tapped. Remove immediately from baking sheet and place on cooling rack or woven basket. Cover with dry towel and let cool.
HINT: Use bread making machine to work dough and let it rise. Then turn dough out on floured board. Knead with more flour. Shape into loaves and bake in oven.
Milk bakes faster than water, gives a crisper crust.


(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

HINT: Use leftover carrot pulp, when making carrot juice, in place of grated carrots.

1 cup water (part milk may be substituted, or use ¾ cup water and ¼ cup plain yogurt)
2-1/4 cups unbleached white flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp. sea salt or Celtic salt ground
1 cup grated carrots
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. maple syrup
¼ chopped walnuts
2-1/2 tsp. dry active yeast

(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

1-1/2 cups water
3-1/4 cups unbleached white flour
2 Tbsp. olive or vegetable oil
1-1/2 Tbsp. honey
3 tsp. active dry yeast

(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

1-1/4 cups water (part milk may be substituted)
3 cups unbleached white flour
2 Tbsp. honey
1 tsp. sea salt or Celtic salt ground
2 Tbsp. butter or oil (olive oil is excellent)
½ Tbsp. chives
½ Tbsp. marjoram
½ Tbsp. thyme
1 tsp. basil
3 tsp. dry active yeast

(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

1-1/8 cups water (part milk may be substituted)
2 cups unbleached white flour
1 cups whole wheat flour
1-1/2 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup
1 tsp. sea salt or Celtic salt ground
2 Tbsp. butter or vegetable oil
3 tsp. active dry yeast

(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

1-1/4 cup + 1 Tbsp. water (part milk may be substituted)
3 cups whole wheat or unbleached white flour, or combination
1 tsp. sea salt or Celtic salt ground
2 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup
2 Tbsp. olive oil or substitute vegetable oil
2/3 cup seeds (sunflower, sesame, flax, pumpkin, finely chopped nuts – your choice!)
3 tsp. dry active yeast

(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

1-1/4 cups water (part milk may be substituted)
3-1/4 cups unbleached white flour
2 Tbsp. maple syrup (or honey)
1 tsp. sea salt or Celtic salt ground
2 Tbsp. butter or oil
½ cup finely diced dried onion or fresh leek or green onion
1 tsp. poppy seeds
3 tsp. dry active yeast

(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

1-1/4 cups water (part milk may be substituted)
3 cups unbleached white flour (or substitute 1 cup with whole wheat flour)
1 tsp. sea salt or Celtic salt ground
2 Tbsp. butter or vegetable oil
2 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup
½ cup rolled oats
3 tsp. dry active yeast
VARIATION: Anadama Bread – Substitute fine corn meal for the oats.

(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

1-1/4 cups water (part milk may be substituted)
3 cups unbleached white flour
¼ cup honey, maple sugar or maple syrup
1 tsp. sea salt or Celtic salt ground
½ cup peanut butter, unsalted
3 tsp. active dry yeast

(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

1-1/4 cups water (part milk may be substituted)
1 cup unbleached white flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup rye flour
2 Tbsp. honey
1 tsp. sea salt or Celtic salt ground
2 Tbsp. butter or vegetable oil
¼ cup cornmeal
2-1/2 Tbsp. cocoa or carob powder
3-1/2 Tbsp. maple syrup
2 tsp. caraway seeds
3-1/4 tsp. dry active yeast

(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

1 cup + 2 Tbsp. water (part milk may be substituted)
2 cups unbleached white flour
1 cup rye flour
2-1/2 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup
1 tsp. sea salt or Celtic salt ground
1-1/4 Tbsp. butter or vegetable oil
1 Tbsp. cornmeal
½ Tbsp. caraway seeds (optional)
3 tsp. dry active yeast

Whole Wheat Bread
(Adapted by Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

1-1/2 cups room-temperature water (part milk may be substituted)
3-3/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp. sea salt or Celtic salt ground
2 Tbsp. butter or vegetable oil
2 Tbsp. honey
1 Tbsp. maple syrup or maple sugar
3 tsp. active dry yeast



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