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Dragonfly News

The Official Monthly Newsletter of Song of Health
APRIL, 2008

March 08 Newsletter
May 08 Newsletter

Our one year anniversary issue!

Welcome Subscribers, to Dragonfly News. We are excited about the opportunity to share interesting and helpful information with you in our monthly newsletter, which is available to subscribers only, on the website and automatically sent to you by email. We send it to you in both .doc and .pdf forms.

If you did not receive this issue at your email address, please notify us immediately. We may need you to update your current email address with us.

Important notice: a food resource update, dated feb. 08, was emailed to everyone recently. please let us know if you did not receive it and need us to email it to you directly. the additions will be included in the list on line shortly.

Give the gift of health: honor your friends and family with a subscription to Song of Health.

In this issue:


Article: Iodine: Facts You Need to Know
By Dr. Caryn Potenza, N.D

Sharing Experiences
Many Thanks; Know Your Local Medicines

By Sandra Strom, CEO SOH

Recipes Vegetable Medicine Soup



Subscribers’ cost is only $14.95, non-subscribers, $49.95 plus shipping. This CD is a valuable compilation of articles by our renowned doctors, whose work in their field is highly regarded among their colleagues, patients, and professionals in other circles. Along with all the other information offered, this collection is a great opportunity for students and others seeking reliable research resources in our field.

Our goal is to serve you. Please help us by sharing what you would like to see in the Dragonfly News. We also invite you to share your favorite recipes with us.

You may contact us at:

Just a reminder: Per your request, we are adding the column "TESTED FOR" to future Food Resource List updates. We agree that the resource will be more helpful knowing what the foods were actually tested for as well as the results. This way you will know if a food was tested for potato, for example, and the RESULTS column will verify whether potato is a hidden ingredient. Unfortunately, we are not able to go back to the original lists to retrieve this information. We are striving to improve on how we can help you and appreciate your participation in this process.

Also…Some of the updates that are directly emailed to you list where the products may be purchased. We are not able to include this column on the website edition due to lack of column space.

share your story with others.

SUBSCRIBERS, please. . . help others by sharing your story with us and allow us to publish it in the next issue of Dragonfly News and Subscribers’ Testimonials, now on the Song of Health website. We have this opportunity to help those who still suffer but are not confident that our dietary lifestyle will work for them. By hearing and reading about how our lives were dramatically changed we can help them to step through the door toward wellness. WE WOULD BE HONORED TO INCLUDE YOUR STORY about how you came to follow the Dr. Carroll Food Intolerance way of life. We reserve the right to edit for grammar and spelling correctness, however we will not change your story content.


Please email your contribution to Thank you for helping us to achieve our goal of reaching out to as many people as possible in order to offer them hope.

A note of encouragement: A subscriber was concerned that her story was uninteresting. There is no such thing as a boring, uninteresting story! We are here to support each other and every contribution helps, no matter how small or large the content. Please don't let that stop you!

The following questions were emailed to us in the past month.

Jeanette B., HHC asked:
1) Please advise if other squashes such as butternut squash and pumpkin is included in the potato category - as well – is turnip and parsnip considered potato or ok to eat? What about arrowroot, as it is sometimes called Chinese potato?
Answer: All are potato free. For our purposes, when tested for potato the foods you inquired about test negative. Rutabaga is not potato either. The names of some foods may be deceiving. You are safe in trusting the info in the food category lists for accuracy. It is very current as well as what was tested many years ago, by Drs. Carroll and Dick.

2) The fruit category: Nuts. Which are fruit nuts and which are ok to eat? For example, chestnuts and bush berries, such as juniper berry? There also seems to be some confusion around almonds.
Answer: Per Dr. Watrous, “Chestnuts are not fruit. The only ‘nut’ that I find to be fruit is, of course, cashews. Many nuts can test fruit because of the citric acid wash they go thru when they have the shells taken off. This is really common with almonds and pecans.” Juniper berries have not been tested yet. Reminder: the kola nut, which is what cola drinks are derived from, is fruit.

3) Grapefruit is not mentioned on the Fruit Category List. Does it go under the citrus category even though not mentioned?
Answer: Yes, grapefruit is fruit. We will go ahead and change the fruit list on the website to read: ...all citrus (including grapefruit, oranges, kiwi, lemons and limes),... I believe this will eliminate that confusion.

4) When fruit intolerant, does the leaf of the plant count as well, such as strawberry leaf?
Answer: Yes, we have found that raspberry root, blackberry leaf, orange blossom, etc, all will bother the average fruit intolerant person.
Dr. Jared Zeff, ND

Any part of the plant is fruit. The leaves of the raspberry plant are fruit. The bark of Wild Cherry tree used for cough syrup is fruit. ANY part of the fruit plant is fruit.
Dr. Watrous
Note from Editor: We will add these to the Fruit Category List on the website.

Ana asked:
I had read in one of the pages an explanation of why so many people actually don’t notice their intolerance or actually feel good when eating their intolerance.  There was an explanation I believe from Dr. Zeff, but I can’t seem to find it. If you could direct me to this I would really appreciate it. 
Answer: As it has been explained to me by our doctors, there are several reasons why a person may not immediately feel the effects of consuming an intolerant food product. If a person has been generally good about avoiding their food intolerance and their system is "clean," if they don't feel the effects of then consuming their intolerance it may be because their immune system is strong and healthy and so the symptoms don't readily show up. It can, however, cause a low level toxicity that will show itself in another way and possibly at a later time, such as an allergic reaction to something else or some other stress to the immune system. Another scenario is if a person's system is loaded with toxins from ingesting their food intolerances, the body will not necessarily immediately react with an obvious symptom to the toxins. It is possible that they have already developed a chronic condition which is worsened by consuming even more of the foods that are toxic to them.

Lynda asked: 
Would it be possible for you to publish a list of neutral foods?
Answer: As you know, there aren't many "neutral foods" out there except for organic veggies bought at a farmers market or beef you get from the farmer you know. I wish this was easier. Even tea has soy in it!! Figures.
Dr. Watrous, ND

Dear Lynda, I have thought about how this could be possible. We would have to go through the entire list of foods on the resource list already published and pull out those that specify "N" for neutral. The time that it would take to do this would take away from being able to get new lists to you sooner. It just isn't feasible. May we help you to navigate around the list that may facilitate the process for you?
In Health, Sandra

Jolene asked:
Is it possible to test the food for every thing (all)? Wouldn't that be a benefit of being a subscriber? That I might benefit from others food tests and they from mine?
Answer: It is extremely time consuming for the doctors to test a product for everything every time. This last list does contain many foods that were tested for everything. This is why we have decided to include what the product is being tested for in the future. This way you will know if it has been tested for potato, for example, and if it tested positive for it. If you still have a question about a food that has been tested for something other than your intolerance, you are welcome to re-submit it with your personal request. We are continually working to improve our process of getting information to you. Originally, prior to the inception of Song of Health, the doctors were testing foods specifically for patients and the results were not widespread to other patients. Now we have a means by which to get you this information. It is taking us time to work out how to best accomplish this in order to best serve everyone. We welcome your comments, which are very helpful.

Stephanie emailed:
Hi Sandra, I thought contacting you this way would be the best way to distribute this information quickly. I just bought 3 boxes of Celestial Seasoning/Lipton teas yesterday.  ALL 3 have soy lecithin in them now!!!  I'm actually kind of shocked!  I went to the store today and almost all brands of Celestial Seasoning have soy lecithin in them now; I forgot to check the Lipton brand. Anyway, I'm intolerant to soy and this was a great disappointment to me.  Luckily I just happened to look at the ingredient list again and found out this new info before I enjoyed a cup of tea with my husband.  I have never seen soy in herbal tea bags before.
Stephenie R.

REMINDER: Have you checked out THE FORUM yet? It is a great place to share your ideas, ask questions, obtain information from questions already asked and communicate with other subscribers.


Example of Recent additions to the Forum:

Posted by Traci 26th March, 2008
Can you tell me what oil is the better one for our bodies, peanut oil or safflower oil? I use mainly for dressings (like Dr. Watrous’ Yummy Honey Dressing), and for occasional frying.
Thanks T

Posted by Dr. Watrous, N.D.
I use both. I don't know if one is better for you than another. They are both good oils.
Dr. Watrous

Please post your replies to our other subscribers at THE FORUM.
Thank you.




By Dr. Caryn Potenza, N.D.

Dr. Watrous and I just recently attended a conference on hormone replacement therapy where we heard a mind-blowing lecture by Dr. David Brownstein on the necessities of iodine. We wanted to pass this information on to as many patients as possible because we want you to be informed and we want to dispel some of the common misconceptions about iodine.

First of all, most people assume because they are eating iodized salt that their iodine levels are adequate. And although adding a small amount of iodine to salt has helped eliminate some cases of goiter, it is still not enough to address our body’s desperate need for this trace element. Research has shown that iodine is needed to prevent conditions such as goiter, but also hypothyroidism, Grave’s disease, Hashimotos thyroiditis, coronary artery disease, lowering cholesterol, ADD, asthma, breast disease, cancer (breast, ovarian, prostate, thyroid), diabetes, high blood pressure, hormone production, infections, and ovarian cysts. Iodine can also be used topically to treat keloids and dupuytren’s contracture.

The current RDA for iodine is 150 mcg for adults and a little more for pregnant (220 mcg/day) or lactating (290mcg/day) women. With all of the current research on the many functions of iodine within the body, we now know that the current RDA is too low. Our bodies not only use iodine for disease prevention, but also use it to make all other hormones in the body (i.e., hormones from the adrenals, ovaries, testicles, thyroid, etc). It acts as an alkalinizing agent and some of its therapeutic actions are antibacterial, anticancer, antiparasitic, antiviral, detoxifying, and a mucolytic (breaking up mucus) agent. Every single cell in our bodies contains and uses iodine. White blood cells need iodine for proper immune function. All of our glandular tissues need iodine - from the thyroid to the salivary glands to the stomach and the brain. Our need for this element is huge. The old RDA recommendation of 150 mcg/day may have been adequate for preventing goiter, but it is not enough to prevent many of the other diseases and the challenges our bodies face. We actually need anywhere between 6-50 mg/day. So the question is, if this is such an important element for us to have, why are we not getting adequate amounts?

There is really not a good answer to this question besides “I DON’T KNOW!” It seems so obvious and easy with the information we now have. In addition, the research and information describing the benefits of iodine have been around for over 100 years. Recently there was a survey done by the National Health and Nutrition Survey regarding the declining iodine levels in the USA. It was found that from 1971-2000 that iodine levels decreased by 50% in the United States. During this time it has been observed that there has been an increase in incidences of thyroid cancers and thyroid diseases as well as breast, prostate, endometrium and ovarian cancers. These diseases can be caused by iodine deficiency. Reasons why we have seen an increase in iodine deficiency over the last 40 years can be due to multiple factors. People, unfortunately, have been avoiding all kinds of salt because of the belief that it will cause high blood pressure. Other reasons can be due to the declining minerals in our environment because of soil erosion, diets that are insufficient in iodine rich foods, radioactive iodine used in medicine and chemical and drug exposures to bromine, chlorine and fluoride. These last three minerals are known as halogens and are grouped in the same column of the periodic table and share similar properties as iodine. For this reason, bromide has become a real concern to factors contributing to iodine deficiency. For example, iodine was added to baking products as an anti-caking agent in the 1960’s. In the 1970’s bromide was used instead. Not only will this substitution for iodine contribute to an ongoing iodine deficiency, but it will also make it substantially worse. Because of the similar properties that bromide shares with iodine, it will competitively inhibit iodine. This means that bromide will take iodine’s place and not give us any benefit that iodine does. Bromide will interfere with thyroid function as well as the other therapeutic actions of iodine as mentioned above. Bromide is toxic and there is currently no known value to the human body. This has made a bad situation worse.

Because of the reasons listed above, Dr. Watrous and I have started increasing iodine dosage and supplementation for a number of patients. For our fish intolerant people, we have been using a plant-based iodine consisting of calendula and the mushroom reishi. Iodine is a necessary mineral needed by our bodies for more than just thyroid function. It is found in every cell in the body and plays a role in cancer prevention. If you have thyroid problems or other concerns like the ones mentioned above, please let your doctor know if you are not taking iodine so we can help you with dietary changes and/or get you on an appropriate dosage.

We are all learning more and more about our bodies’ needs in this world that is growing and changing daily. We are faced with more toxic foods and a more toxic environment that requires us to be more diligent with our health. Dr. Watrous and I would like to thank all of you for your understanding and patience with us while we take the time to go to these seminars and conventions and learn all the new and current information.

In health and love-
Dr. Caryn Potenza

The above information was based on Dr. David Brownstein’s lecture notes, “Iodine: The most Misunderstood Nutrient” at the February-March 2008 Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Seminar in Las Vegas, Nevada.


By Sandra Strom, CEO


On March 23,2007 our artistic, dedicated and all-around great guy webmaster, Shawn, was in the process of performing test runs of Song of Health on line, in preparation for us being able to set up our web domain as a dependable, viable service. Suddenly, we are notified by Google that we have just received payment for a subscription! Debbie D., from Walla Walla, Washington was our first subscriber. We were elated…and mortified. First impressions are everything and here we were, in test mode, not even fully up and running yet. Shawn devoted every waking moment to completing the process of actually going on line efficiently. To further complicate matters, Debbie’s subscription ended up lost in web outer space with our feelers desperately attempting to retrieve her back. We finally gathered her back and our subsequent subscribers during this time. It appeared that Song of Health was now up and running smoothly and open for service. A week later the subscription software that monitors subscriber information crashed. It was all I could do to stay calm. For three days we were unable to process subscriptions and have the website available properly. We were living our worst nightmare. Shawn was finally contacted by the software company president, who repaired the problem. We are happy to announce that we have been running smoothly ever since.

On this, our one year anniversary, the Song of Health team thanks you all for being a part of this great healing way. By being able to continually bring all this wonderful information to you and by your support, we help and encourage each other to be stronger and healthier each day, together. That is the key: together. It is important to remember that you are not alone. Sometimes it feels like it takes being a scientist to figure out what is ok to eat and what will literally poison us.

Special thanks to Debbie, our first subscriber, who patiently endured while we scrambled to make Song of Health a reality. My heartfelt thanks to our dedicated staff, doctors, contributors and, of course, our subscribers. Without you all Song of Health would merely be my dream of what could be. I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

This past month I was stricken with the crud. A couple days later I chose to go to the local naturopath for an immune booster shot. It probably helped to keep me walking, albeit in zombie form, but it wasn’t enough to cure me of the discomfort of coughing, fever, stuffiness, dizziness, laryngitis – just plain feeling miserable. I began making sage and rosemary tea, which helped to calm the intense coughing and bronchial congestion. I dug into what I give my horse for her COPD condition, which included marshmallow root extract, and old man’s beard added to the tea which I had locally gathered. Yet, after a week of suffering, I was still not over the hump.

A friend of mine was also suffering from the same sickness, but her condition was improving faster than mine even though she initially sounded far worse than me. Having been taught by healers many years ago, she had made herself a tea concoction of a number of local roots and plants, which aided in congestion and also helped to boost the immune system. She sent a gallon of it over to me, with special instructions not to boil it but to softly steep it. Otherwise, it would become so bitter that it would be torture to choke it down. I added lime juice and spoonfuls of honey to improve the taste. For the first couple days I was so stuffed up I couldn’t taste it and thought, “This isn’t bad at all. What’s she talking about?” The next day I was able to smell and increased the amount of lime and honey to the next cups! I started gaining energy and feeling better. Continuing with the sage and rosemary tea as well, my cough was also improving and my voice returned.

On March 18th I flew to Orange County, California to spend a week with my family for Dad’s 85th birthday. I hit the beach everyday and sniffed up handfuls of sea water, which cleared up the stuffiness in less than two days. I was still plagued with periodic stressed coughing spells, so I gathered local sage, picked rosemary from a plant of my parents and continued to soothe the symptoms with the tea.

While in California, my sister and I took an interest in what plants and flowers grew well there and were natural to the local area. I began doing some research to learn what the original Native American people of the area would use for specific conditions. Sage was top of the list for just the condition I was experiencing. The list of remedies continued, from treating internal conditions to hair loss.

Remembering that herbs, plants and their roots are medicine and it is not safe to use them indiscriminately and without knowledge of their properties, it is wise to discover what is local to your environment as well as what herbs and plants will do well in your own garden. It is worth taking the time to research. You may find yourself in a situation one day where the information is vital. Furthermore, you may discover fascinating information beyond just the powerful properties of the plants: The history of the people in the area from whom the information has culminated, changing environmental conditions throughout history that dramatically changed living conditions – information that may seem merely entertaining today, yet may bless us with insight for a future need.

In Health,
Sandra Strom



As we move into Spring it is hoped that the warmer weather will strengthen our immunity toward all the colds and flus that have been attacking us throughout winter. For the lingering discomforts, here is a recipe for what I call Medicine Soup. I cook it differently from other soups in order to preserve as much of the healthful nutrients as possible. It has a very mild flavor, is easy to digest and is soothing to sore throat tissue. It is often difficult to digest a full-bodied soup or meal when sick, so however you choose to cook to your personal taste, remember to keep it very simple. And…use all fresh organic vegetables whenever possible.


(By Sandra Strom, CEO Song of Health)

8 cups filtered or spring water
2 Tbsp. olive oil or vegetable oil
(Optional) Celtic, “Real” salt or sea salt to taste, about 1 tsp.
1 yucca root
2-3 cloves garlic
2 carrots, diced
1 cup celery, diced
1 cup leek or green onion, chopped
1 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 cup summer squash, sliced or winter squash, cut in 1 inch chunks
¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped
2 Tbsp. cilantro, chopped
¼ tsp. rosemary

Bring water to a boil in at least a 2 quart saucepan. Add oil and salt if using. (Salt is not necessary. The soup will taste good without it.)
Peel the yucca root, cut in half and remove the woody inner core. Cut into pieces about ¾ inch in diameter. Add to the boiling water and cover. If using winter squash, add now and boil for about 10 minutes before adding any other ingredients.
Peel the garlic and dice. Add to the soup with carrots, celery, leek or onion. If using summer squash add now. Continue boiling covered for five minutes.
Turn heat off and add parsley, cilantro and rosemary. Steep covered for 8 minutes.
Serve immediately.


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