All the information found
on this website is designed
to be used as a guide only.
We highly recommend that
you consult your physician
regarding any health questions
and/or issues that you may
be experiencing. Song of
Health and its officers,
Windrose Naturopathic Clinic,
LLC and Salmon Creek Clinic
and the doctors contributing
any information found on
the website or anyone else
affiliated with furnishing
information on the website
www.songofhealth.com accepts
no responsibility or liability
for any claims made on any
compilation of findings.
Information found in the
Group Lists are compiled
and provided by Dr. Letitia
M. Watrous and Dr. Jared
Zeff, and is derived from
the research and testing
performed by Dr. Otis G.
Carroll and Dr. Harold Dick.
Information found in the
Resource List is from
foods tested by Dr. Letitia
M. Watrous and Dr. Jared
Zeff in conjunction with
individual patients or subscribers.
Doctors Watrous and Zeff
do not, in any manner, accept
responsibility or liability
for how this information
is used by any individual.
Patients and subscribers
are solely responsible for
their use of said information
and do so with their own
discretion. Individual personal
health differences may cause
various reactions to foods,
whether they are an intolerance
or not. Song of Health and
its affiliates claim no responsibility
for any individual’s health
issues or reactions to food
The information found on
this website is not for disputing
manufacturing practices or
product liabilities. Song
of Health and its affiliates
claim no responsibility or
liability for any disputes
a manufacturing company may
have with the information
Always consult your physician
regarding any symptoms you
may be experiencing and/or
if you intend to alter your
dietary habits.
Use of this information
without permission is illegal.
Copyright ©2007, Song of Health |